Pemathang Gewog Administration
Samdrup Choeling Drungkhag
Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag

Pemathang Gewog lies in the far flung vallies of the south-eastern foothills under Samdrup Choling Drungkhag, Samdrup jongkhar Dzongkhag. It is a distance of 78KM from the district. It is one of the 4 gewogs under Samdrup Choling Drungkhag and a distance of 10 KM from the Drungkhag Administration. With the population of 1479, the total households 450, and the Area of 76.54, the gewog has 5 chiwogs all of which are connected with stable farm roads reaching out to all 14 villages. The BHU grade II facilities based in Pemathang chiwog with 2 health Assistants and a technician are always at the service of the people. For the educational services the only lower secondary school in the gewog with 21 teachers is doing its best to ensure the best of the quality education. The reliable and safe water supply is ensured at all time so is the irrigation channels for the paddy fields. All villages are connected with reliable network coverage. The farthest of the villages in the gewog, Dramzaygang with only 6 households borders the vast Assam plains. The gewog is fairly known for the production of the famous local rice, Khamti which is equally important source of income next to Areca nut, inspired and supported by the dedicated services of RNR, MoAF.
The geographical view of Pemathang Gewog
Area : 76.54 Sq.Km
Population : 1482 (currently residing in the gewog including civil servants)
Households : 450
Local Government Officials:
Sl. No. |
Designation |
Name |
Contact No. |
1 |
Gup |
Pema Lekso |
17940158 |
2 |
Mangmi |
Mon Raj Chowan |
17356759 |
3 |
Tshogpa (Methothang Chiwog) |
Khem Prasad Timsina |
17779576 |
4 |
Tshogpa (Userna Chiwog) |
Rudra Bdr Rai |
17785274 |
5 |
Tshogpa (Pemathang Chiwog) |
Sangay Tenzin |
17708912 |
6 |
Tshogpa (Chirtsosa Chiwog) |
Rudra Bdr Archarja |
17356966 |
7 |
Tshogpa ( Raling Chiwog) |
Pema Lewang |
17999514 |
Population details:
Name of Chiwog |
No. of Households inclusive of all registered household numbers but with no houses built. |
Population of Chiwog |
No. of Gungtong (Empty Households) |
Actual HHs |
Methothang |
63 |
193 |
2 |
49 |
Ueserna |
74 |
265 |
2 |
57 |
Pemathang |
147 |
454 |
1 |
125 |
Chirtsosa |
62 |
247 |
2 |
57 |
Raling |
104 |
249 |
2 |
69 |
5 Chiwogs |
450 |
1408 |
9 |
355 |
Civil Servant:
Sl. No. |
Designation |
Name |
Contact No. |
1 |
Administrative Officer |
Sonam Dema |
77840221 |
2 |
Principal (Pemathang Lower Secondary School) |
Pema Gyelpo |
17697430 |
3 |
Agriculture Extension Supervisor |
No AES as of now |
4 |
Livestock Extension Supervisor |
Kinley Phurpa |
17583238 |
5 |
Health Assistant (BHU II ) |
Phuntsho Wangdi |
17657978 |
6 |
Driver |
Jigme Namgyal |
17829510 |
7 |
Caretaker |
Kezang Wangmo |
17597653 |
Education Services:
Sl. No. |
Name of School |
No. of Teachers |
No. of Students |
Male |
Female |
Boys |
Girls |
1 |
Pemathang Lower Secondary School |
13 |
8 |
111 |
156 |
Supporting Staffs |
Male |
Female |
3 |
6 |
Total No. of NFE Center: 2 |
No. of NFE learners: |
Male |
Female |
No. of Instructor |
Metothang |
0 |
9 |
1 (Female) |
Chirtsosa |
0 |
25 (Nuns) |
1 (female) |
Total No. of ECCD Center:1 |
Pemathang |
No. of ECCD learners: |
Boys |
Girls |
No. of Facilitators |
12 |
14 |
1 |
Health Services
Sl. No. |
Details |
Health Assistant |
Technician |
Supporting staff |
Place |
1 |
Basic Health Unit II |
2 |
1 (malaria) |
2 |
Pemathang Chiwog |
2 |
1 Out Reach Clinic |
Userna Chiwog |
Road Connection :
Sl no |
Road Name |
Road Type (Farm road/Gewog Center road/Feeder road etc.) |
Road Length (KM) |
Year of Construction |
1 |
Phuntshothang-Pemathang |
GC Road |
7 |
2016-2017 |
2 |
Chirtsosa-Methotahng |
Farm Road |
2.3 |
2009-2010 |
3 |
Pemathang-Userna |
Farm Road |
5 |
2009-2010 |
4 |
Pemathang-Raling |
Farm Road |
1.5 |
2016-2017 |
5 |
Ueserna-Warong |
Farm Road |
1.3 |
2013-2014 |
6 |
Ueserna-Limishong |
Farm Road |
5.3 |
2016-2017 |
7 |
Upper Pemathang-Upper Lumina |
Farm Road |
1.9 |
2016-2017 |
8 |
PLSS Junction-Lumina |
Farm Road |
1.2 |
2015-2016 |
9 |
Lower Pemathang-Metothang |
Farm Road |
2.5 |
2015-2016 |
10 |
Chirtsosa Chiwog internal |
Farm Road |
1 |
2015-2016 |
11 |
Methothang Chiwog, internal |
Farm Road |
1 |
2017-2018 |
12 |
Neoli Bridge-Damzaygang |
Farm Road |
2 |
2015-2016 |
13 |
Raling internal farm road |
Farm road |
4 |
2019-2020 |
14 |
Pemathang internal farm road |
Farm road |
5.3 |
2019-2020 |
Local Festivals & Tshechus
Tshechus & Local Festivals |
Location |
Lunar Calendar date of Tshechu/Festival |
Dassin |
Pemathang, Chirtsosa and Methothang Chiwogs |
Once in a year |
Depawali |
Pemathang, Chirtsosa and Methothang Chiwogs |
Once in a year |
Mani Ngapatendra |
Khauchung Lotshaling Goenpa |
Once in a year |
Drupchen |
Raling |
Once in a year |
Public Ritual |
Raling |
Once in a year |
Important Pilgrimage sites(Ney/Hot spring) |
Location |
Devethan |
Pemathang |
Madhev Than |
Methothang |
Trade & Industry Information:
RNRC : 1 Centre, Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Extension
Sl. No. |
Name of Licence |
Licence No. |
Name of Licence Holder |
Mobile |
Status |
General Shop |
1 |
Dejom Choden |
44434 |
Dejom Choden |
16481174 |
Operational |
2 |
Yonten Natsho |
YAB 09736 |
Tshewang Tashi |
17557970 |
Operational |
3 |
Solu Changma |
4008389 |
Cheten |
17524858 |
Operational |
4 |
Indra Devi Acharja |
R4009218 |
Indra Devi Acharja |
17532287 |
Operational |
5 |
Sonam Zangpo |
R4008910 |
Sonam Zangpo |
17523339 |
Operational |
6 |
Yadap Timshina |
R4009104 |
Yadap Timshina |
17586660 |
Operational |
7 |
Tsheten Gayser |
MT4001711 |
Tsheten Gayser |
17525211 |
Operational |
8 |
Tshering Dema |
MT4001305 |
Tshering Dema |
17323013 |
Operational |
9 |
Sonam Zangmo |
R4008947 |
Sonam Zangmo |
17720476 |
Operational |
10 |
Pem Tshomo |
MT4001629 |
Pem Tshomo |
17872089 |
Operational |
11 |
Ridaka Gurung |
R4009223 |
Ridaka Gurung |
17737700 |
Operational |
12 |
Goma Maya Dhungyel |
R4008464 |
Gomo Maya Dhungyel |
17959698 |
Operational |
13 |
Bal Bdr Pokheral |
R4007966 |
Bal Bdr Pokheral |
17817929 |
Operational |
14 |
Bishnu Maya Pokheral |
R400875 |
Bishnu Maya Pokheral |
17849575 |
Operational |
15 |
Ugyen Tshomo |
R4008962 |
Ugyen Tshomo |
77309869 |
Operational |
Bar License Holders |
1 |
Sangay |
3008045 |
Sangay |
17995099 |
Operational |
2 |
Namgay Wangmo |
YAB09736 |
Tshewang Tashi |
17557970 |
Operational |
3 |
Sonam Zangpo |
4006493 |
Sonam Zangpo |
17656545 |
Operational |
4 |
Wangmo |
4006690 |
Wangmo |
17524915 |
Operational |
5 |
Sherab Wangdi |
4006160 |
Sherab Wangdi |
77419428 |
Operational |
6 |
Ugyen Tshomo |
4006356 |
Ugyen Tshomo |
77309869 |
Operational |
7 |
Bishnu Maya Pokheral |
4606862 |
Bishnu Maya Pokheral |
17838849 |
Operational |
Other License Holders
SI.No |
Name of Licence |
Licence No. |
Name of Licence Holder |
Mobile |
Status |
Remarks |
1 |
Ugyen Tshomo |
4008031 |
Ugyen Tshomo |
77309869 |
Operational |
Furniture |
2 |
Sangay Wangchuk |
4009143 |
Sangay Wangchuk |
17387532 |
Operational |
Sawmill |
Farmers' Associations in Pemathang Gewog (Agriculture and Livestocks) |
Sl. No. |
Name of Farmers' Associaton |
Name of Chairperson |
Name of Village |
Mobile |
Status |
1 |
Raling Vegetable Group |
Tashi Dendup |
17995099 (secretary) |
Operational |
2 |
Pemathang Chilli Group |
Tendi |
Pemathang |
17438239 |
Operational |
3 |
Farm Road User Right Group |
3 groups in Pemathang chiwog and 1 group each in other 4 chiwogs. |
Fucntional |
4 |
Community Forest |
Each group in every 5 chiwogs |
Functional |
5 |
Community Monitoring and Assessment Committee (CMAC) |
Each group in every 5 chiwogs |
Functional |
6 |
Manufacturing of Plates from Areca Sheaths |
Pema Choden |
Pemathang |
17940275 |
Suspended |
Tele-commutation : 100% coverage by both B mobile and T-cell
Electricity : All Chiwogs connected
Goshey Nyenshey in Gewog:
Sl. No. |
Name |
Village |
Contact No. |
1 |
Parshuram Dhungyel(Ex-Gup) |
Pemathang Chiwog |
17838741 |
2 |
Sherab Tenzin (Ex-Mangmi) |
Pemathang Chiwog |
17941108 |
3 |
Tshewang Tashi |
Raling |
17376896 |
4 |
Pema Tenzang |
Raling |
17785331 |
5 |
Mothikha |
Chirtsosa |
17983185 |
6 |
Tashi Wangchuk |
Userna |
17624654 |
7 |
Sonam Tenzin (Ex-Gup) |
Userna |
17797486 |
8 |
Karma Gyeltshen |
Userna |
17731739 |
9 |
Lila Nath Ghimrey |
Methothang |
17849575 |
10 |
Madhukar Subba (ex Gup) |
Metothang |
17969636 |
List of Ex-Armed Forces in Gewog:
Sl. No. |
Name |
Village |
Designation |
Agency |
Retirement Date |
CID No. |
1 |
Jul Bdr Rai |
Methothang |
Drimpon |
2006 |
11108000716 |
2 |
Man Bir Gurung |
Methothang |
Gopa |
2002 |
11108002011 |
3 |
Nar Bdr Gurung |
Methothang |
Gopa |
2004 |
11108001972 |
4 |
Om Nath Adhakari |
Methothang |
Gopa |
1986 |
11108000511 |
5 |
Damber Tiwari |
Pemathang |
Peljab |
2007 |
11108000690 |
6 |
Tshewang Penjor |
Pemathang |
Chuma |
1977 |
11108000295 |
7 |
Tashi Namgay |
-do- |
-do- |
-do- |
2006 |
11108000149 |
8 |
Phurpa Wangdi |
-do- |
-do- |
-do- |
2004 |
11108000144 |
9 |
Yeshi Dorji |
-do- |
Pelpen |
2008 |
11516000667 |
10 |
Tenzin Tshering |
Ueserna |
Drimpon |
11 |
Indra bdr Gurung |
Ueserna |
Chuma |
12 |
Janga Bir rai |
Ueserna |
Chuma |
13 |
Jeeba Narayan Khatiwara |
Ueserna |
14 |
Ran Bdr Rai |
Drimpon |
15 |
Lila bdr rai |
16 |
Karma Wangdi |
Raling |
Drimpon |
Name of the Ex-Civil Servants |
Name |
Village |
Designation |
Agency |
Retirement Date |
1 |
Dorji Wangdi |
Pemathang |
Ranger |
Forest |
2013 |
11510002565 |
2 |
D.C Wagley |
-do- |
Principal |
Education |
2002 |
11108000528 |
3 |
Bishnu Maya Wagley |
-do- |
Sister |
Health |
2014 |
11108002859 |
4 |
Karna Bdr Bhandri |
-do- |
HA |
-do- |
1989 |
11505004909 |
5 |
Krishna Prasad Bhandari |
Chirtsosa |
Livestock extension supervisor |
2020 |
6 |
Ganapati Bhandari |
Chirtsosa |
Livestock extension supervisor |
7 |
Prem lal Puri |
Chirtsosa |
Engineer |
2020 |
8 |
Lila Nath Gemrey |
Metothang |
9 |
Padam lal Gurung |
Metothang |
Accountant |
10 |
Buddha Kumar Rai |
11 |
Artha lal rai |
Metothang |
Khaling, Handloom |
No. of Lhakhangs or Temples
SI. No |
Name |
Name of Tshozin |
No. of religious persons |
Name of Nangten |
Location |
1 |
Kuenzang Choeling |
Sangay Wangdi |
7 |
Guru |
Raling |
2 |
Pema Choeling |
Bumpa Dorji |
7 |
Guru |
Raling |
3 |
Ugyen Namdrel |
Bumpa Dorji |
13 |
Chenrayzee |
Chirtsosa |
4 |
Khewchung Lotsaling |
Tashi Wangchuk |
18 |
Under construction |
Userna |
5 |
Hindu Buddha Shiva Mandir |
Tulshiram Khatiwara |
- |
Buddha Shiva Bishnu |
Pemathang |
6 |
Dhejom Toersa lhakhang |
Pem Tashi |
- |
Guru Tshengya |
-do- |
7 |
Throema Tshokhang |
Pem Tashi |
More than 50 |
Dhejom Thangka |
-do- |
8 |
Laxmi Narayan Mandir |
Puspa Lal |
- |
Lord Bishnu |
Methothang |
9 |
Tsuengon Pema Yeobarling Gonpa |
Lopon Segay |
30 nuns |
Chirtsosa |
More information about Gewog
Sl No. |
Indicator |
Value |
1 |
Area (sq km) |
76.54 Sq.Km |
2 |
Kamzhing-Dry land(acres) |
711.525 |
3 |
Chuzhing-Wetland (acres) |
639.068 |
4 |
Orchard (acres) |
6.062 |
5 |
Population |
1479 |
11 |
No. of eligible voters |
- |
Gewog Infrastructure Statistics |
Sl No. |
Infrastructure |
Qty |
Remarks |
1 |
Gewog Office |
2 |
Community meeting hall |
4 |
Including Gewog meeting hall |
3 |
RNR center |
1 |
Integrated RNRC, Pemathang |
4 |
Community Information Center |
1 |
5 |
Gewog store house cum Kitchen |
1 |
19-20 FY |
6 |
RNR residence unit |
2 |