08 September 2021
Today, on the auspicious day, the handing-taking of 200 bedded Quarantine Facility ceremony was held at Phuntsho Rabtenling Industrial Park. HQ wing 10 of the Royal Bhutan Army handed over the quarantine facilities to Dasho Dzongda, Dzongkhag Administration. The Quarantine Facility was constructed under the supervision and coordination of HQ wing 10 of Royal Bhutan Army, Dewathang.
The Honorable Chairperson of the Eastern COVID-19 Task Force, Dasho Pema Chewang, graced the ceremony. Dasho Dzongrab, Executive Secretary of Thromde, Heads of Royal Bhutan Army, Heads of Royal Bhutan Police, Dzongkhag Officials, and Thromde Officials attended the ceremony.