Dzongkhag Livestock Sector Holds Annual Coordination Meeting

08 August 2024


Livestock Coordination meeting

The Dzongkhag Livestock Sector held its annual coordination meeting today at the Dzongkhag veterinary Hospital conference room. The meeting brought together all the Livestock Extension Officers from across the eleven gewogs.

The session was graced by the Dzongdag, who shared valuable insights and advice to elevate the sector's activities to new heights. In her address, she emphasized the importance of collaboration and innovation to drive the sector forward.

A review of the previous financial year's successes and achievements was presented, highlighting the progress made in various livestock initiatives. Guest speakers, including the Economic Development and Marketing Officer and an accountant, were invited to discuss marketing strategies and budgetary considerations for the upcoming financial year.

The core focus of the meeting was planning the Annual Work Plan (AWP) and individual work plans for the execution of programs and projects outlined in the 13th Five Year Plan. This was done to ensure the swift achievement of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) targets for the sector.